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Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) Committee

The mission of the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) Committee is to nurture a culture of reflection and continuous improvement by facilitating student learning outcomes assessment methods across the institution. The SLOA committee will facilitate strategically integrated and collegial dialogue on student learning. The purpose of assessing student outcomes is to improve teaching, learning, and academic advising at the individual, course, program, and institutional level. The SLOA Committee will recommend and guide the campus-wide process for assessment of SLOs at the course, program, general education and institutional level. The SLOA Coordinator is responsible for chairing the committee and facilitating the functions of assessment. Through their division representatives, the SLOA Committee supports faculty in SLO assessment, analysis of data, and the promotion of reflective dialog and continuous improvement of our programs to support student learning.

Committee Members

Ann Womack (SLO co-coordinator)
Liz Carlyle (SLO co-coordinator)
Noelle Collier (Athletics)
Kyle Heath (Athletics)
Ed Kephart (Athletics)
Shirley Louie (LAS)
Leigh Moore (CTE)
Thad Wallace (CTE)
Shannamar Dewey (Part-time faculty)
John Tarantino (Director of Assessment, Planning, and Research)


The SLOA committee meets once a month via Zoom.