College of the Siskiyous District is committed to the safety and security of all faculty, staff, students, and visitors and has contracted with the Weed and Yreka Police Departments to provide public safety and security services at both sites with trained police officers. In addition to patrols, the police officers respond to emergency requests and criminal investigations.
Non-emergency and/or non-criminal incidents may be reported to the Behavior Intervention Team and/or the Vice President of Student Services Office.
In partnership with the community, College of the Siskiyous works to prevent crime and solve problems that affect students, faculty, and staff. The safety and security of the college district is the combined responsibility of the entire COS community. In support of community involvement the College has contracts with the cities of Weed and Yreka for law enforcement services, crime reporting, investigations, and daily crime logs. These agreements with local law enforcement and the Annual Safety Report ensure compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. Violations of the Standards of Student Conduct are referred to the Student Services office. Survivors and respondents to sexual assault and sexual harassment complaints are supported by the District's Title IX coordinator, Kristi Wilson. Additional support for students and staff experiencing difficult times or personal crisis are available through the college's Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)
Emergency Preparedness and response plans identify how the College of the Siskiyous prepares, responds and recovers from emergencies. Administrators, supervisors and key staff have received training in Incident Command System (ICS) and responding to critical incidents on campus. General information about the emergency response and evacuation procedures for College of the Siskiyous are publicized each year as part of the institution's Clery Act compliance efforts and that information is available on the Campus Safety webpage. The Emergency Preparedness committee has developed a campus Emergency Operations Plan to address various campus emergencies.
It is the purpose of the Safety Committee of College of the Siskiyous to promote a safe working environment for the staff, students, and the general public by creating and maintaining an active interest in safety by each district employee and to assist in the overall effort to minimize the frequency of accidents throughout the district, and to identify corrective measures needed to eliminate or control recognized safety hazards.
The COS Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) provides confidential support for students who may be in crisis or exhibiting signs of crisis or concern. The information gathered from our referrals will help inform proactive processes regarding the health and well-being of our campus community.
Students, community members, and faculty can make referrals. If you are concerned about a student's well-being, the BIT is a resource for both the student and yourself. Please go to the Referral Form to begin the referral process. The Behavioral Intervention Team process does not replace faculty classroom management, disciplinary procedures, or local law enforcement responses to incidents.
Title IX is a federal statute that protects people from discrimination based on sex and prohibits sexual misconduct which affects the student’s ability to participate in educational programs and/or activities. All violations of Title IX regulations are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.
Report concerns regarding violations of Title IX to the Title IX Coordinator, (530) 938-5286.
To file Student Conduct/Discipline and/or receive assistance, contact Student Services, (530) 938-5374.
For additional information, please contact one of these offices listed above, visit our website at: