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2023-2024 Classified Salary Schedule

Effective: July 1, 2023
Adopted: February 20, 2024

Range   Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
109 Hourly $17.80 $18.33 $18.88 $19.45 $20.03 $20.63 $21.25 $21.89 $22.55
Monthly $3,085 $3,178 $3,273 $3,371 $3,472 $3,577 $3,684 $3,794 $3,908
Annual $37,023 $38,134 $39,278 $40,456 $41,669 $42,920 $44,207 $45,533 $46,899
110 Hourly $18.33 $18.88 $19.45 $20.03 $20.63 $21.25 $21.89 $22.55 $23.22
Monthly $3,178 $3,273 $3,371 $3,472 $3,577 $3,684 $3,794 $3,908 $4,026
Annual $38,134 $39,278 $40,456 $41,669 $42,920 $44,207 $45,533 $46,899 $48,306
111 Hourly $18.88 $19.45 $20.03 $20.63 $21.25 $21.89 $22.55 $23.22 $23.92
Monthly $3,273 $3,371 $3,472 $3,577 $3,684 $3,794 $3,908 $4,026 $4,146
Annual $39,278 $40,456 $41,669 $42,920 $44,207 $45,533 $46,899 $48,306 $49,756
112 Hourly $19.45 $20.03 $20.63 $21.25 $21.89 $22.55 $23.22 $23.92 $24.64
Monthly $3,371 $3,472 $3,577 $3,684 $3,794 $3,908 $4,026 $4,146 $4,271
Annual $40,456 $41,669 $42,920 $44,207 $45,533 $46,899 $48,306 $49,756 $51,248
113 Hourly $20.03 $20.63 $21.25 $21.89 $22.55 $23.22 $23.92 $24.64 $25.38
Monthly $3,472 $3,577 $3,684 $3,794 $3,908 $4,026 $4,146 $4,271 $4,399
Annual $41,669 $42,920 $44,207 $45,533 $46,899 $48,306 $49,756 $51,248 $52,786
114 Hourly $20.63 $21.25 $21.89 $22.55 $23.22 $23.92 $24.64 $25.38 $26.14
Monthly $3,577 $3,684 $3,794 $3,908 $4,026 $4,146 $4,271 $4,399 $4,531
Annual $42,920 $44,207 $45,533 $46,899 $48,306 $49,756 $51,248 $52,786 $54,369
115 Hourly $21.25 $21.89 $22.55 $23.22 $23.92 $24.64 $25.38 $26.14 $26.92
Monthly $3,684 $3,794 $3,908 $4,026 $4,146 $4,271 $4,399 $4,531 $4,667
Annual $44,207 $45,533 $46,899 $48,306 $49,756 $51,248 $52,786 $54,369 $56,000
116 Hourly $21.89 $22.55 $23.22 $23.92 $24.64 $25.38 $26.14 $26.92 $27.73
Monthly $3,794 $3,908 $4,026 $4,146 $4,271 $4,399 $4,531 $4,667 $4,807
Annual $45,533 $46,899 $48,306 $49,756 $51,248 $52,786 $54,369 $56,000 $57,680
117 Hourly $22.55 $23.22 $23.92 $24.64 $25.38 $26.14 $26.92 $27.73 $28.56
Monthly $3,908 $4,026 $4,146 $4,271 $4,399 $4,531 $4,667 $4,807 $4,951
Annual $46,899 $48,306 $49,756 $51,248 $52,786 $54,369 $56,000 $57,680 $59,411
118 Hourly $23.22 $23.92 $24.64 $25.38 $26.14 $26.92 $27.73 $28.56 $29.42
Monthly $4,026 $4,146 $4,271 $4,399 $4,531 $4,667 $4,807 $4,951 $5,099
Annual $48,306 $49,756 $51,248 $52,786 $54,369 $56,000 $57,680 $59,411 $61,193
119 Hourly $23.92 $24.64 $25.38 $26.14 $26.92 $27.73 $28.56 $29.42 $30.30
Monthly $4,146 $4,271 $4,399 $4,531 $4,667 $4,807 $4,951 $5,099 $5,252
Annual $49,756 $51,248 $52,786 $54,369 $56,000 $57,680 $59,411 $61,193 $63,029
120 Hourly $24.64 $25.38 $26.14 $26.92 $27.73 $28.56 $29.42 $30.30 $31.21
Monthly $4,271 $4,399 $4,531 $4,667 $4,807 $4,951 $5,099 $5,252 $5,410
Annual $51,248 $52,786 $54,369 $56,000 $57,680 $59,411 $61,193 $63,029 $64,920
121 Hourly $25.38 $26.14 $26.92 $27.73 $28.56 $29.42 $30.30 $31.21 $32.15
Monthly $4,399 $4,531 $4,667 $4,807 $4,951 $5,099 $5,252 $5,410 $5,572
Annual $52,786 $54,369 $56,000 $57,680 $59,411 $61,193 $63,029 $64,920 $66,867
122 Hourly $26.14 $26.92 $27.73 $28.56 $29.42 $30.30 $31.21 $32.15 $33.11
Monthly $4,531 $4,667 $4,807 $4,951 $5,099 $5,252 $5,410 $5,572 $5,739
Annual $54,369 $56,000 $57,680 $59,411 $61,193 $63,029 $64,920 $66,867 $68,873
123 Hourly $26.92 $27.73 $28.56 $29.42 $30.30 $31.21 $32.15 $33.11 $34.11
Monthly $4,667 $4,807 $4,951 $5,099 $5,252 $5,410 $5,572 $5,739 $5,912
Annual $56,000 $57,680 $59,411 $61,193 $63,029 $64,920 $66,867 $68,873 $70,940
124 Hourly $27.73 $28.56 $29.42 $30.30 $31.21 $32.15 $33.11 $34.11 $35.13
Monthly $4,807 $4,951 $5,099 $5,252 $5,410 $5,572 $5,739 $5,912 $6,089
Annual $57,680 $59,411 $61,193 $63,029 $64,920 $66,867 $68,873 $70,940 $73,068
125 Hourly $28.56 $29.42 $30.30 $31.21 $32.15 $33.11 $34.11 $35.13 $36.18
Monthly $4,951 $5,099 $5,252 $5,410 $5,572 $5,739 $5,912 $6,089 $6,272
Annual $59,411 $61,193 $63,029 $64,920 $66,867 $68,873 $70,940 $73,068 $75,260
126 Hourly $29.42 $30.30 $31.21 $32.15 $33.11 $34.11 $35.13 $36.18 $37.27
Monthly $5,099 $5,252 $5,410 $5,572 $5,739 $5,912 $6,089 $6,272 $6,460
Annual $61,193 $63,029 $64,920 $66,867 $68,873 $70,940 $73,068 $75,260 $77,518
127 Hourly $30.30 $31.21 $32.15 $33.11 $34.11 $35.13 $36.18 $37.27 $38.39
Monthly $5,252 $5,410 $5,572 $5,739 $5,912 $6,089 $6,272 $6,460 $6,654
Annual $63,029 $64,920 $66,867 $68,873 $70,940 $73,068 $75,260 $77,518 $79,843

Position Classification


Food Services Assistant


Food Services Cook




Account Clerk I


Administrative Assistant I
Office Assistant II
Program Assistant, Nursing


Account Clerk II
Athletic Equipment & Field Specialist


Administrative Assistant II, EOPS/CARE
Administrative Assistant II, MOT
Administrative Assistant II, SAS
Administrative Assistant II, Upward Bound/TRiO
Library Technician I


Groundskeeper/Maintenance Specialist
Information Technician I


Accounting Technician
Curriculum Specialist
Instructional Support Specialist, ASC
Instructional Support Specialist, Computer Lab
Instructional Support Specialist, Fine Arts
Instructional Support Specialist, Health Science
Instructional Support Specialist, Performing Arts
Instructional Support Specialist, Science
Instructional Support Specialist, Theater
Instructional Support Specialist, Writing


Administrative Assistant III, Academic Affairs
Administrative Assistant III, Athletics & Kinesiology
Administrative Assistant III, CTE
Alternative Media Disability Specialist
Coordinator, Basic Needs
Coordinator, Career Services Program
Coordinator, CTE Program
Coordinator, Nursing
Coordinator, Public Relations & Foundation
Coordinator, Social Media
Coordinator, Tutoring and Learing Services
Coordinator, Yreka Campus
Library Technician II
Program Specialist, CalWORKs/NextUP
Program Specialist, EOPS/CARE
Program Specialist, TRiO
Program Specialist, Upward Bound
Student Services Specialist
Student Services Specialist, Financial Aid
Student Services Specialist, Records
Student Services Specialist, Student Housing
Student Services Specialist, Veteran's Services
Student Support Specialist, Admissions
Web Content Designer


Academic Advisor
Information Systems Technician II
Transcript Evaluator


Financial Aid Processing Technician


Payroll Specialist


Informational Systems Technician III


Skilled Maintenance Technician


Executive Assistant I, Academic Affairs
Executive Assistant, Administrative Services
Executive Assistant I, Student Services


Business Analyst I
Data Analyst