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What is CalWORKs?

In 1996, California redesigned its welfare system titled California Work Opportunities and Responsibilities to Kids (CalWORKs). CalWORKs is a federally mandated program designed to assist parents who are receiving TANF (Temporary Aid to Need Families, formerly called AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). The goal of the program is to assist these parents in gaining employment and to achieve long-term self-sufficiency by providing education and training as a viable welfare-to-work activity. At College of the Siskiyous the services we provide to our CalWORKs student are below.

  • Child Care Payment Assistance
  • Job Skills
  • Referral Services
  • Specialized Academic Advising
  • Supplies
  • Transportation Assistance
  • Work Study

Book Vouchers

The CalWORKs program can provided limited text book purchase assistance each semester.

Orientation Forms

Intake Form

Program Agreement

Contact CalWORKs

Patrick Walton, Vice President of Student Services / CalWORKs Director

Gabbi Aston, CalWORKs/NextUp Program Specialist

Julia Franco, Administrative Assistant II, EOPS/CalWORKs/CARE

College of the Siskiyous
EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs Office, Eddy Hall 3
800 College Avenue
Weed, CA 96094

Phone: (530) 938-5309