The ASB office is open when possible, currently Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you cannot make these hours just let us know and we will be there when you need it.
Bring your class schedule to the Ponderosa Lodge office. The student worker on duty will take your picture and print your card while you wait.
In a hurry? Call (530) 938-5237 to schedule time to print your Student ID Card.
The Student ID Card also provides additional discounts at local merchants.
Starting a club is relatively easy. Basically, two students are enough to start a club. They must find a staff member to serve as the advisor and then submit a Club Petition, and Constitution to ASB for approval.
The Student Representation Fee is an optional $1.00 fee that students can pay when they register for classes. This fee is overseen by the ASB, but does not solely belong to ASB. Other clubs can use the Student Rep Fee money for legitimate legislative purposes.
ASB's primary function is to represent and serve the registered students of College of the Siskiyous. The ASB represents students on the various campus committees, such as Instruction Council, Curriculum Committee, Student Services Council, Budget Development Committee, and College Council. They also provide various activities throughout the year, such as Homecoming Activities, Halloween's Haunted Bear Trail, a Food Drive for the local food bank, and field trips to various student government functions such as general assemblies and regional leadership meetings. ASB also does fundraising such as Basketball Concessions, Locker Rentals, etc. ASB also provides services such as Book Consignment (and in the near future, fax services). ASB supplies money typically every year in support of the Scholar Athlete Awards. They collected signatures on the Smoking Petition which help to develop a smoking policy on the campus.
Visit the Origin, Philosophy, and Goals page for more information about ASB.
Getting involved is easy. Attend our ASB meetings which are held each week. Check the public Bulletin Board for the current agenda. If you meet the minimum qualifications, you can become a senator by one of two ways:
Check out the list of discounts and services, including a free 15 minute legal consultation with a lawyer, for those students that hold a valid Student ID Card.
ASB does check the bulletin boards to ensure that current information is posted. However, they do not give permission or "police" what is on the boards.
If you need to reach someone with ASB/Student Activities questions, please call (530) 938-5283. Any suggestions can be given to any of the student workers in the ASB office or to any of the ASB senators.
Activities on campus must be sponsored by an organization, recognized club, or employee of the college. Typically, facility requests need to be completed as well as other information. Information is available from the COS Fiscal Services Office in regards to facility requests. Check with your club advisor or call (530) 938-5283.
The ASB office is currently located in Basecamp.
Phone: (530) 938-5283