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Work Experience Education (WEE)

Information for Students

Step-by-Step Instructions for Students

Student worker
  1. Complete Application for Work Experience Education
  2. Once welcome email received, enroll in the appropriate course and section of Work Experience.
  3. Complete orientation provided by the WEE Coordinator within the first 2 weeks of class. Orientations are scheduled, available in Canvas, or can be completed by appointment. Students who do not attend Orientation will be dropped from the class!
  4. Create a profile in JobSpeaker which documents employer contact information, required hours, learning objectives, and tracks student work hours.

    Canvas houses all instructions for the course and assignments. JobSpeaker tracks the required paperwork and logs for this course per the Title 5, California Code of Regulations, related to Work Experience Education.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you must be enrolled as a College of the Siskiyous student to earn WEE units.

No, it is the responsibility of the student to find their own job, internship or volunteer opportunity.

  • There are many student worker opportunities on the COS campus. To learn about one of these jobs or volunteer positions, visit the Job Opportunities page on the COS website. Scroll to the bottom to see a list of student jobs available on campus and who to contact to learn more.
  • For assistance in your job search, visit the COS Career Center!

The number of units a Student/Employee can earn through Work Experience is based on the number of hours a student/employee works during the semester. Most high schools consider 1.5 units the equivalent of 5 semester credits. Students may request to take a 1.5 unit WEE course, which requires 81 hours of work.

If you do not see a WEE section with the number of units you require listed in the class schedule, please email your request to the Work Experience Coordinator at: See the table below for guidance; every 54 hours of paid or unpaid work equates to 1 unit of Work Experience.

Units Total Hours
1 54
2 108
3 162
6 324

Each unit of Work Experience is a unique section with a CRN just like any other course. Failing to complete the required hours may jeopardize your grade! It is important to communicate with the Instructor as soon as possible in this situation.

The maximum number of WEE units a students can earn is 16. It is recommended that students receiving financial aid maximize their benefits by taking WEE 2010 and then WEE 2020. Students may repeat WEE 2010 up to 4 times, but may face financial aid limitations. Contact the Work Experience Coordinator if you have questions or if you have taken work experience from a college in past semesters.

Yes. Any student/employee, intern or volunteer, whether a trainee or a long-time, experienced worker, can earn up to 6 units in one semester, and can earn a total of 16 units of degree applicable college units which transfer to CSUs and many 4-year universities out of state. WEE units are not transferable to UCs.

Yes. Self-employed students must identify a mentor or individual to serve as an advisor, subject to the approval of the WEE Coordinator. The Mentor or Advisor will assist the student in creating learning objectives, sign required paperwork, provide feedback for growth throughout the term and assist in the final evaluation.

Meet with a Counselor or Academic Advisor to complete a course substitution request as soon as possible!

  • Students can earn up to 6 elective units of college credit in one semester
  • Students has a real-world opportunity to use his/her skills and abilities in the work environment
  • Students can add valuable on-the-job experience to their resume
  • Students has an opportunity to gain insight and a realistic perception of the job market
  • Students make valuable job contacts
  • Students acquires a better understanding of human relations, customer service and other essential work skills
  • Students who participate in work-based learning find jobs faster and earn nearly 20% more in their first three years of work than classmates who do not participate in WEE. Career options can be explored through internships or volunteer work

Contact Work Experience Education

Phone: (530) 938-5201