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Honorlock Faculty FAQs

What is Honorlock?

Honorlock is an online proctoring software product purchased by the campus that integrates with our Learning Management System, Canvas LMS. Honorlock is being used for some courses, mostly fully online courses, to provide a measure of academic integrity while taking major assessments online.

Why Do We Need Honorlock?

College of the Siskiyous, faculty, and students all have a strong interest in ensuring academic integrity and that assessments are graded fairly, impartially and expeditiously. Honorlock combines AI and live test proctors to make online proctoring simple, easy, and human.

Consistent with federal regulations pertaining to federal financial aid eligibility, the District must authenticate or verify that the student who registers in distance education courses is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit. According to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008: "all institutions in the United States that participate in Title IV student aid programs must verify the identity of students enrolled at their institution."

To meet these requirements, the institution must employ, at its option, methods to verify the student who participates, such as:

  • A secure login and passcode
  • Proctored examinations
  • New or other technologies or practices that are effective in verifying student identification.

In so doing, the institution must make clear in writing at the time of enrollment or registration that it uses processes that protect student privacy and notifies students of any projected additional charges associated with the verification of student identity.

Are There Alternatives to Online Proctoring?

Since COS uses a secure login and passcode to its systems, we already meet requirements for verifying student identity. COS likewise encourages faculty to use Authentic Assessment as a method of ensuring academic integrity and supporting the needs of our students. Learn more in this Pocket Authentic Assessment Guide from @One. Find even more examples and resources at The Authentic Assessment Toolbox created by Professor Jon Mueller.

What does Honorlock do and not do?

Honorlock works within your web browser while taking an assessment in Canvas to observe behavior which may include recording of video, audio, screen activity, navigation or similar activities. The exam settings are chosen by the instructor. Honorlock’s full-time online proctoring team received training by a nationally certified counselor and educator on providing students with help and support during moments of test anxiety and frustration. This human-centric communication helps students gain confidence in the process and with their test proctors.

Honorlock proctored testing software monitors the exam session for potential academic dishonesty and alerts a live proctor to join the student's session in real-time if it detects any issues. This blend of AI and human review delivers a less intimidating and non-invasive proctored testing experience for the student because they aren't constantly watched.

When done right, proctored testing creates a non-invasive and equitable environment for testing, holding everyone accountable to do their best work.

Student Privacy

Student privacy is incredibly important - to students, to professors and to Honorlock - especially in these uncertain times. Please watch the video to review how Honorlock protects Student Privacy: Honorlock Protects Student Privacy.

Honorlock Privacy Policy.

In general, instructors should not require a room scan. However, some State and Federal certification exams could require a room scan, and this requirement needs to be outlined clearly in the course welcome letter and syllabus.

How is Honorlock Paid For?

Honorlock licenses are purchased by the institution on an annual basis and are available in all Canvas course sections that use the tool.

What are the computer and browser requirements for use?

Please see Honorlock system requirements. An updated version of Chrome is required as well as a webcam and reliable internet access.

Process for Faculty to Implement Honorlock in a Course

It is very important that both faculty and students understand how Honorlock works. Honorlock has already been installed in Canvas. It is disabled by default in the Course Settings/Navigation area of your course. It must be enabled in order to use.

Syllabus and Pre-Course Communication

Faculty are required to notify students that Honorlock will be used during selected assessments as early as possible. Notification should be in the course schedule, the course Welcome memo sent before the course start date, the course syllabus, the course description, and throughout the Canvas course by the student load date or student access date.

Sample Syllabus Language

Below is sample verbiage you can include in your syllabus to provide students a basic understanding of what Honorlock is and how it will be utilized in your course. You're welcome to customize and expand upon this for your courses.

Honorlock will proctor your exams this semester. Honorlock is an online proctoring service that allows you to take your exam from the comfort of your home. You DO NOT need to create an account or schedule an appointment in advance. Honorlock is available 24/7, and all that is required is a computer, a working webcam/microphone, your ID, and a stable internet connection.

To get started, you will need Google Chrome and download the Honorlock Chrome Extension.

When you are ready to complete your assessment, log into Canvas, go to your course, and click on your exam. Clicking "Launch Proctoring" will begin the Honorlock authentication process, where you will take a picture of yourself, show your ID, and complete any additional authentication requirements established by your instructor. Honorlock will be recording your exam session through your webcam, microphone, and recording your screen. Honorlock also has an integrity algorithm that can detect search-engine use, so please do not attempt to search for answers, even if it's on a secondary device.

Honorlock support is available 24/7/365. If you encounter any issues, you may contact them through live chat on the support page or within the exam itself. Some guides you should review are Honorlock MSRs, Student FAQ, Honorlock Knowledge Base, and How to Use Honorlock.

Instruct students to use the live chat when presented with any barriers to a test. Honorlock has a robust student and faculty support element designed to decrease student frustration and instructor workload.

Make it very clear and post in multiple places that tests with Honorlock will ONLY work in Chrome Browser with the browser Honorlock extension. This will ensure that the students have access to help (including online chat) and videos from Honorlock.

In-Course Student Notifications (required elements)

  • Students will be informed that an online proctoring solution for assessments will be used and for which assessments it will be used.
  • Students will be informed in advance how to access and use online proctoring through Canvas LMS (you can use the syllabus verbiage here as well)
  • Students will be offered, and encouraged to complete, a practice test early in the course as a way to troubleshoot equipment and ensure they are ready before the higher stakes exams/quizzes.
  • Students will be encouraged to start their test(s) early to allow time to seek assistance and support if problems arise.
  • Students will be encouraged to take proctored exams in a quiet place with a strong internet connection free from distractions or high traffic.
  • Remind students of your exam requirements, for example, they must have access to a computer with strong internet access, a video camera and microphone (web cam or laptop with camera and microphone built-in).
  • In general, you should not require a room scan. However, some State and Federal certification exams could require a room scan, so this requirement needs to be outlined clearly in your course welcome letter and syllabus.

"Opt-out" Language (required element)

Students should work with their instructor for other options if there are issues or barriers to completing the Honorlock test. Students can be given an option for being assessed in another format (such as on campus proctoring or scheduling the exam at an approved proctoring location near the student). In some instances, the online mode of a class is essential for progress toward degree and should not hinder such progress.

Solutions for departments to allow options may include, but are not limited to:

  • Other alternative option for test format, mode or location, worked out with the instructor
  • Other sections of the same class offered face-to-face.

Student Accommodations Due to a Disability

Honorlock is VPAT certified, 508 compliant, and fully accessible to those with disabilities. When enabling Honorlock for your assessment, you may need to provide specific accommodations to certain exam takers. The Accommodations section should be used and will only be visible to Honorlock proctors and support staff. Students will not be able to see the accommodations set for them and if necessary, should be alerted of their accommodations via email or other forms of communication.

Learn more about creating accommodations: Accommodations with Honorlock

Other Considerations

Only use Honorlock for assessments after the students have had a chance to configure their machines and ensure Honorlock readiness through a low-stakes practice assessment (like a syllabus quiz or other practice test) and after all students who reported difficulties with the tool have satisfactorily resolved all issues.

Exam Settings

When configuring your exam in Honorlock, you can enable specific proctoring guidelines. These guidelines are used by the proctors when reviewing your students in their exams. If a faculty member provides no testing guidelines, Honorlock proctors will abide by their Standard Exam Guidelines.

Student Sanctions or Discipline

If Honorlock reports that a student has engaged in activities that may be considered to be high risk, the instructor reserves the right to change the grade and report the student to the Office of Student Services. In addition, egregious cases of behavior in conflict with the intent of academic integrity may be reported as noted in the Academic and Classroom Violations document.

Summary of Requirements for Using Honorlock

  • Inclusion of required communication elements
    • Appropriate language included in course syllabus
    • Appropriate language included in Canvas course section
    • Appropriate language included in course schedule/catalogue
  • Honorlock enabled (by individual faculty) in the appropriate section(s) of the faculty’s course
  • Deploy a practice test with Honorlock early
  • Deploy test with Honorlock settings in Canvas course
  • Review the Honorlock reports