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SAS Student Handbook


The mission of Student Access Services (SAS) is to ensure equal access to the educational experience for otherwise qualified students with disabilities. We strive to assist students to achieve their academic goals by augmenting their existing strengths and abilities and developing their independence.

SAS Responsibilites

SAS appreciates the diversity and individuality of students' disabilities and promotes educational opportunities for students requesting accommodations and services within the college community; promotes positive images of persons with disabilities; promotes support of accommodations while maintaining high academic standards; and promotes a positive educational experience for faculty, staff, and students. We will strive to make the most appropriate and reasonable accommodations based on a student's disability and the educational limits it presents.

The following is a brief overview of the responsibilities that students using Student Access Services (SAS) must follow and the service limitations within SAS.

  • Students must possess the ability to respond appropriately to questions, follow directions, and demonstrate the potential to profit from instruction.
  • Students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct as established by the College. (See specifics in the section of this handbook titled Board Policies and Administrative Procedures).
  • Students are expected to show the proper respect for faculty, staff, and other students. Rudeness, name-calling, and obscene language or gestures will not be tolerated.
  • Students must demonstrate disability-related appropriate adaptive behavior (Title 5 Regulations, Section 56004).
  • Students receiving special services and accommodations (e.g., interpreting, test assistance) must be aware and follow the specific requirements for each of these accommodations and services. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of these special services or accommodations.
  • Students must demonstrate annual measurable academic progress (Title 5 Regulations, Section 56024). Failure to do so may result in the suspension of service.
  • Students are to assume personal responsibility for taking any medications.
  • The individual student and/or other non-college agencies shall be responsible for the provision of personal attendant care. Student Access Services staff will not provide this service (Title 5 Regulations, Section 56000-d).