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SAS Student Handbook

Note-Taking Service

When a student's disability inhibits them from taking notes in class, a note-taking accommodation may be provided. Note-taking services may involve hiring a student in the same class to take notes and allowing the SAS office to make copies of the note-taker's notes. An alternative to a peer note-taker is a Livescribe "Smart" pen, which has the capability of recording lectures along with your own personal notes, or a recorder. The note-taker will have signed a Peer Note-taking and Confidentiality contract prior to starting.

SAS Student Responsibilites

Remember all accommodations must be pre-approved by the Director/Counselor of SAS each semester.

  • The student participates in the eligibility determination for note-taking services by completing the appropriate SAS paperwork.
  • The student reviews the notes in a timely manner and provides feedback to the SAS note-taker coordinator if necessary. The student is responsible to notify the SAS note-taker coordinator or staff if a note-taking problem occurs.
  • Student will take responsibility for attending class and getting the notes from the SAS note-taker coordinator or staff. Students will notify SAS staff if this service is no longer needed.
  • Recording the class lecture may be recommended as supplemental to note-taking by the SAS office. The student is expected to take notes to the best of his/her/their ability and use the recording to compensate for any inadequacies in the note-taking process. Students are required to sign a recording agreement prior to using a digital recorder device in an instructor's class.
  • Student must carefully maintain and protect loaned recording equipment. Equipment must be returned as specified in the SAS Equipment Loan Contract established at the time the equipment is loaned.
  • Student will be responsible to replace damaged or lost equipment that has been checked out to them. A financial hold will be placed on the student's account until the equipment is returned, replaced or paid for.